This week a patient asks:
“I’m considering both laser hair removal and laser vein reduction on my legs from the best plastic surgeon in San Francisco. Which should I do first?”
Dr. Kulick: These procedures treat entirely different issues, and as such, it should not matter which procedure is done first (this is not true with vein removal – “leg vein stripping”, which is an invasive procedure). Smaller, spider veins can be treated with either an injection or laser, and can require at least three sessions.
Laser hair reduction requires multiple sessions. Each session involves laser targeting of the hair follicle below the skin. If you’re getting leg veins injected or treated by a laser, it is possible to have both procedures done during the same visit, depending on the recommendations of your board-certified plastic surgeon.
Dr. Kulick’s office offers the world’s most cutting-edge cosmetic technologies. Whether you are interested in invasive plastic surgery procedures, fillers, wrinkle, scar, sun-damaged skin treatments, we have more options than any other clinic in the area. Call Dr. Kulick’s office to schedule a consultation and find out how amazing the 2015 you can be!