Beautiful Results


How to Choose the Right Shape for Your New Nose

How to Choose the Right Shape for Your New Nose

Now that you have made the decision to have cosmetic nose surgery, you are probably wondering what is the right shape for your new nose? The process of figuring this out involves a combination of artistry, skill and experience on the part of your surgeon and detailed...
6 Myths About Rhinoplasty Surgery

6 Myths About Rhinoplasty Surgery

Are you considering getting a nose job, clinically known as rhinoplasty surgery? Before going for a free introductory consultation with a plastic surgeon, take a little time to read about some of the myths about rhinoplasty. Common Myths About Rhinoplasty 1....
Techniques for Skin Tightening and Reducing Wrinkles

Techniques for Skin Tightening and Reducing Wrinkles

There are many ways to tighten one’s skin. Historically, chemicals applied to the skin surface worked. The next generation of care was to provide laser energy to tightening one’s skin. Both of these techniques do provide skin tightening. However, they also can create...
Preparing For Your Plastic Surgery Procedure

Preparing For Your Plastic Surgery Procedure

After careful thought and research, you have made the potentially life-changing decision to have a plastic surgery procedure that will transform your appearance and boost your self-esteem. Now that you are armed with knowledge, your next step is to learn what you can...