Beautiful Results


Liposuction vs. CoolSculpting: Which Is Better?

Liposuction vs. CoolSculpting: Which Is Better?

When considering liposuction vs. CoolSculpting, it’s essential to realize that neither procedure is
a substitute for a well-balanced diet and a sensible exercise plan that includes a mix of cardio
activity and weight training. However, if you’re already at or near your ideal weight and still
have pockets of body fat you’d like to get rid of, you may be well-qualified for either surgical or
non-surgical fat removal to aid your efforts and help you succeed in your 2019 resolutions.

Health Risks Of A Tummy Tuck

Health Risks Of A Tummy Tuck

Making the decision to undergo a surgical procedure should not be taken lightly. For patients with loose, excess skin and muscles that are not supported by the overlying tissue called “fascia,” a tummy tuck is typically the way to help achieve a flat and firm abdomen....