Beautiful Results

Comments on Percutaneous Radiofrequency System to reduce glabellar lines.
The authors are to be commended for their investigation of the next generation of a bi-polar radio frequency device for the improvement of glabellar wrinkles. There are patients that desire correction of forehead furrows but do not want a neurotoxin instilled or...Tips for Out of Town Patients Traveling to San Francisco
What’s Near the Office? Grace Cathedral The Masonic Liholiho Yacht Club Mensho Tokyo SF Glide Memorial United Methodist Church UNIQLO Union Square Yerba Buena Shops Target Macy’s Zara Crocker Galleria Dragon’s Gate Philz Coffee Yank Sing Museum of the...Intro Podcast: Answers About Plastic Surgery – Photorejuvination

Are Yelp Reviews A Reliable Way To Choose A Surgeon?
You should not pick a surgeon based solely on web rankings. Many web review portals require the “Submitter” of a review to sign on and /or provide one’s email address. With all of the fear of “sharing” one’s email provided, this is often a turn off for potential...
Who Are Candidates For Eyelid Surgery?
The eyes are an extremely powerful feature of our face, potentially conveying a tired, sad, or worried appearance as the result of aging or genetics. Social media filters may hide your wrinkles, excess fat, or bulging eyelid skin, but in reality you’re extremely...
Liquid Facelift or Surgical Facelift?
If you are beginning to explore your anti-aging options, you may be wondering whether a liquid
facelift or surgical facelift is right for you.

How to Choose the Best Cosmetic Surgeon
Deciding to undergo a cosmetic procedure will have far-reaching consequences on your quality of life. A successful procedure will make you feel more confident in your appearance and give you a self-esteem boost for years to come. On the other hand, ending up under the...
Understanding Laser Skin Resurfacing Costs
Have you ever wanted to erase the dreaded days of middle school or high school when others would laugh at your acne? Maybe you regret those days in a tanning bed or smoking a cigarette before it was cautioned against. Or maybe you just want to reduce the signs of...